As my tree progressed, I started to find relatives I never knew I had. After losing my Mum, I didn’t have any family, and suddenly, I was finding cousins everywhere.
It’s very overwhelming now to have quite a large family, but I wouldn’t change it for anything, and I love learning about all the different aspects of my family tree.
I now also have a lot of contact with my biological paternal line, although not with my biological father, as he has long since passed, and to be honest, I am not too sure if I would have made the contact had he still been living.
It’s lovely to be able to find details to enhance the family tree, especially with old family photos and stories from the older generations that would typically have been lost. Listening to the old family stories and tales and then setting out to find more details to try and discover the facts and proof to confirm them or not is a great experience, and sometimes that’s how it turns out.
And so my rollercoaster ride began…………
Initially posted 11th September 2018
Heather Nowlan